
brain-based language training

This tag is associated with 8 posts

Our brain, indexed

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn … Continue reading

Attention! Or not?

The quality and quantity of our thoughts, emotions and actions that stem from the brain are a direct result of the stimulus we give it; what we call the input not unlike the input devices of a Personal Computer (PC). The input we give to our brains have a direct co-relation to the output we … Continue reading

Brain-based language training

Brain-based language training is deep-rooted, deep-sated and embedded for long-term learning. While learning to write a report, students are given the task of finding the most interesting, emotionally-intensive event to write about during their experiential learning program during the March Holidays. This calls into mind what the brain remembers the most through the acrostic – … Continue reading

Experiential Learning Program

What does experiential mean? Experiential comes from the root word experience which in Latin, means experientia or the act of trying. The mission statement of Languagelab reads Express Yourself Anew. In our experiential programs, students are asked to ask for directions, read maps, put their thinking hats on for orientation and write reports and diaries … Continue reading

What has the brain got to do with anything?

Everything it seems. For example, our memory is influenced by what we pay attention to. It pays to pay attention if we want to remember something. It signals to the brain that we are now readying ourself for learning and the brain primes itself through the release of neruotransmitters like aceylocholine, critical for learning, blocks off peripheral noise … Continue reading

Unleashing Fullest Potential

Grades do matter. However, with the bulk of scientific research and methodologies proponents ranging from learning techniques, memorization strategies, thinking methods and studying methodologies that promise to enhance various prowesses, how do we make the choice? Granted, a myriad of choices is not a situation unique to the education landscape, with the hyper-speed, highly-competitive world … Continue reading

Common Learning Struggles

Academic Achievements Academic achievement is not always a reliable predictor of intelligence. There are many very bright children who are not able to achieve academic success. When the student is trying their best to learn yet cannot seem to make any progress the lack of academic performance is often the symptom of an underlying issue … Continue reading

Dynamics of Reading

Reading is something that we take for granted. However, do you know that speech development takes place as young as 6 months and if we are not careful in nurturing our language development – through regular conversations with parents, exposure to rich sources of literary text – we will have great difficulties gaining competency in … Continue reading